I just read an article in Rolling Stone. It was from Matt Taibbi. I’m nearly certain that if I regularly consulted a health care professional, that person would advise me against reading anything written by Matt Taibbi. The article was titled Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital.

You must read this. Prior to today, I had not fully appreciated the kind of business Bain did.

Now I do.

There is no reasonable way to describe it. Instead, Taibbi must resort to mafia terminology:

“Fans of mob movies will recognize what’s known as the ‘bust-out,’ in which a gangster takes over a restaurant or sporting goods store and then monetizes his investment by running up giant debts on the company’s credit line. (Think Paulie buying all those cases of Cutty Sark in Goodfellas.) When the note comes due, the mobster simply torches the restaurant and collects the insurance money. Reduced to their most basic level, the leveraged buyouts engineered by Romney followed exactly the same business model. “It’s the bust-out,” one Wall Street trader says with a laugh. ‘That’s all it is.'”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/matt-taibbi-mitt-romney-bain-rolling-stone-2012-8#ixzz25NiXpm00

Now I understand. And it makes such sense when concatenated with the “I’m not in favor of abolishing the government. I just want to shrink it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” For those with an IQ in the double digits, I’ll remind you that the one kind of entity that can be drowned in a bathtub is something defenseless. Like a child. Aye, that is the sort of creature Grand Poobah of the Republican Party Grover Norquist is. Yes, indeed, our own personal Quisling has vowed to destroy our government. The first, as Lincoln so eloquently put it,

government of the people, by the people, for the people

shall indeed perish from the earth. In a bathtub. At the hands of men like Willard “Mitt, because Willard sounds like a name for the sort of nerd I would have had my henchmen beat up for me back in college” Romney.