Musings from Southern New Mexico

Month: May 2013

It’s Time for an Obama Confession

I, for one, would be relieved if Obama were to simply call a Rose Garden press conference to accept guilt. He should describe, in detail, how he ordered the assault on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi. At least, that’s what I assume happen based on reading only right wing websites. Other than that, I can’t imagine any scenario in which some incompetent handling of public relations at the outset of the violence could possibly be considered criminal.

So please, Mr. President, admit that you ordered some bottom-tier terrorist recruits to murder U.S. government officials. Because that’s what secret Muslim Kenyan half-Jew usurpers do.

Just Give Up

Bill Clinton tricked his inquisitors into accepting his CLEARLY carefully manipulated definitions in order to skate through the entire event without having technically lied.

He was nevertheless impeached in the circus that followed the Monica Lewinski affair. Many think he was lucky to have survived, despite the fact that his inquisitors were at fault for having been so easily MANIPULATED. Fortunately for Mr. Clinton, he did not have the aggravating condition of hypermelaniniasis (AKA overt blackitude) working against him.

In this case, another center-right president has failed to be far-right enough for the corporate media. While the straws at which the GOP and its media grasp are as substantial as cobwebs, Obama’s mere existence as an Executive Darkie is an affront to everything the GOP’s current iteration has come to stand for. That is to say, the importance of White Supremacy is such that any challenge to its claims is dealt with by rabid and immediate counterattack.

President Obama is such a challenge. He is dealt with thus.

Everything would work out much better if the capitulation-prone Democratic Party would simply give up, sacrifice Obama and other uppity minorities, and allow the wealthiest among us to continue transferring the wealth of this country to East Asia and the Middle East in exchange for skimming a little off the top.

Back from Arabia

I have spent some time traveling in the Old World.

While I was gone, I enjoyed the relative peace I had in being out of the reach of the 24 hour news cycle. On returning, of course, I found that the frothing of the right wing loons has continued apace.

I hate to be illiterate. So before I left, I took the time to learn the Arabic alphabet. It turns out, some city in Libya (ليبيا), a city called Benghazi (بنغازي), has become the most important news story in the world. I saw nothing about any of this on a single European or Arabian newspaper. The clown mafia running the alleged news media in this country, however, have responded to claims of outrage by the RWLs to spill endless ink on the subject.

The story seems, to me, to be that each individual failure occurring during the Obama Administration is directly caused by the President himself. So I ask acquaintances what the alleged crime is. I am informed it is a coverup. Comparisons to Nixon abound, but I fail to see how Nixon covering up his own crimes is equivalent to Obama’s poorly done public relations in response to what would later be described as a planned attack.

The unfortunate fact is that, when adequately supplied and supported by enough participants, a fake protest can overcome the defenses of all but the most secure facilities. Keep in mind that we are attempting to project a peaceful presence. Machine guns mowing down crowd of attackers posing as a spontaneous protest would provide invaluable propaganda for our enemies. Extremism is like a disease. It requires not only hosts, but hosts with compromised immune systems. How better to depress the resistance of a person than carefully crafted misinformation? That strategy has worked well enough in this country, with right wing corporate-owned media paradoxically accusing itself of harboring a left wing bias.

I intended to declare that I yet draw breath, but I seem to be entering rant territory. I suddenly get the urge to raise a fist in the air while yelling something to some damned kids about my lawn. Odd.

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