Once again, I will reiterate: no scientist in the world that is not prostituting him/herself out to either a polluting industry or one of numerous right-wing political movements denies the fact of global warming.

People that claim otherwise do not accept the philosophy of science. What bothers me is that they fully accept the trappings of science. I would suffer science deniers a little better if they would self segregate. That way, they could test their conspiracy theories on water fluoridation by allowing their children to grow up missing a large fraction of their permanent teeth. They could test their conspiracy theories on vaccines by allowing their infants to break their own ribs with the violent coughing of pertussis. Unfortunately, they can not do anything of the sort with their conspiracy theories of global warming. They insist in damning all of us with their absurd rejection of science. They drivel on in their twitter feeds and on facebook while using smartphones that they must believe were created using magic.

And that leaves us at an impasse. How does one argue with someone who denies the rules of argument? Could we disagree about mathematics in the same way? Can one insist that 0=1 and continue to enjoy a sane audience? The real reason why the sane have no dialogue with the right wing kooks in the recently off-the-rail Republican Party is that they refuse to even agree to obvious premises. It’s not just science. Even accounting is considered subjective to these people. How adding and subtracting numbers in columns of data can be screwed up is beyond me. It is apparently not beyond them, though. I should give up even trying.

But how can we get beyond the craziness of the current political scene if we simply dismiss the 27% of the population for whom anything supported by the Democratic Party is, by definition, wrong? I honestly wish I knew.