Musings from Southern New Mexico

Category: science (Page 3 of 3)

Global Warming Disproven

Yesterday and today were “snow days,” as referred to in to common vernacular. I was excused from work due to extreme weather conditions. In Minnesota, such conditions are known as “April.” But for those with an IQ near room temperature, this is solid proof that Global Warming was made up by the secret Muslim Kenyan Negro who is in cahoot with the entirety of the non-quack scientific community and fatty-fat-fat-fat Al Gore to make up Global Warming to take away our guns and force our children to gay marry the lesser races in secular ceremonies so the U.N. can sell us into foreign buttsex slavery.

For the mentally defective, you see, a 2°C rise in the frigid winter temperatures means that the denizens of Buffalo should be walking about in t-shirts in January. It is difficult for some to see that, perhaps, Butte, Montana in January plus 2°C equals still goddamned cold. You see, a couple of degrees of temperature makes practically no difference to humans. To the general population, however, spring starting a few weeks early may be disastrous. But I get that not everyone is involved in the science of climatology. Hell, I’m not. I am involved in optics, though. In order to calculate attenuation of laser radiation through the atmosphere, I use some fairly complicated equations. Among the variables I use is the atmospheric CO2. It turns out that carbon dioxide has such a pronounced effect that it must be included even though it is barely above what would be considered trace amounts. This caused me to look into CO2 in the atmosphere, and the place to look is Mauna Loa. When you do this sort of research, this is what you find:

Carbon dioxide readings from Mauna Loa

Carbon dioxide readings from Mauna Loa

If you follow it back as far as it goes, this is what you see:

Following the same trend back to the days of muscle cars

Following the same trend back to the days of muscle cars

Because the easily influenced by obviously false arguments are, well, easily influenced, we can expect nothing to be done. No real scientist disputes the facts. Global warming is taking place and is largely anthropomorphic. The only dispute is as to how great a disaster it will produce.


I have said it before, and I’ll doubtless continue saying it until advanced dementia has rendered me incapable of recalling physics:

This simple statement means that it is impossible, by the laws of physics, to know anything perfectly. While I should mention that the position and momentum of large objects may be known quite accurately, that is not particularly important. From modern chaos theory we know that, in chaotic systems, even arbitrarily small differences in initial conditions result in vastly different outcomes.

The so-called Copenhagen Interpretation of modern physics holds that the uncertainties associated with quantum particles are not merely measurement anomalies. Rather, the item in question has neither an exact position nor an exact momentum until it is measured. What this means is that even if your imaginary space friend really did exist, and even if he were omniscient (that is to say he had a computer that provided exact information on every individual subatomic particle and photon in the universe), he would not be able to predict events precisely beyond a very short time beyond the present. Also, I should point out that a computer with perfect knowledge of the universe would require memory modeling the entire universe 1-to-1. So any sort of storage medium with perfect modeling of the universe would, in fact, be another identical universe. That seems pretty pointless.

So for all the scientists in the world, if your religion depends critically on prophecies, you are screwed.

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