My son is of the age that he wants to see the “summer blockbusters,” no matter how potentially terrible they are. This was an amusing film, though I still don’t care for the overuse of CGI action in place of storytelling. There were a few other minor things that bothered me, though. Chief among them was a single line from one of the superheroes. Aside: in my cursory search, I only found it in one place. Since this source happened the sad Weekly World News ripoff the “World Net Daily,” I can’t assume it is accurate. In response to a mention of the Norse gods as gods, Captain America responds that there is only one god, and he probably doesn’t dress like that. There are a couple of reasons this pisses me off:

First, I hate this sort of “Being American = Believing in God” bullshit with which we are barraged constantly. In reality, any American soldier, seaman, airman, or marine who feels greater fealty to his imaginary friend(s) than to the U.S. Constitution is only secondarily loyal to his country by definition.

Second, is is actually possible for one to continue to believe in biblical silliness when the existence of superior beings of extraterrestrial origin (that had once been regarded as gods on this very planet) is KNOWN from FIRST HAND experience? That is really a question. If were a serious true believer and you met someone who was thousands of years old with godlike powers and apparent immortality, What would you ask him? Wouldn’t the very first question you asked him relate to whether or not he knew your magic friend?

Source: comicbookbrain

1. Plate from armor of clearly extraterrestrial beast
2. Extraterrestrial being no less than several hundred years old that was once worshiped as a god in Europe.
3. Still believes that despite items 1 and 2, legends of a minor desert civilization (stolen from greater civilizations) in the Middle East are true.

Third, if you are a Christian, wouldn’t planet-wide destruction be substantially similar to the ‘shroom-and-moonshine nightmare of the entire book of Revelation? As a Real Christian™, shouldn’t you be getting ready to hop aboard the Rapture crazy train?