When I was in college, I often heard the call of business majors:

Business Major: “Hey, [some bar] has a live band! Let’s check it out.”

Me: “I have a test tomorrow.”

BM: “So do I. So what? Let’s go!”

I eventually managed to get a degree in physics. That means I will never make the sort of money my partying college comrades can expect. According to Ayn Rand’s “Greedy Asshole” Fan Fic, the brilliant inventor should get rich on the fruits of his labor. I know engineers working for top companies like Lockheed and Boeing. The reality is that, while these often brilliant engineers and scientists make a pretty good living, they are not pulling in “businessman” income. Okay, maybe I chose the companies poorly, as Lockheed and Boeing have a disproportionately high number of engineers in their top tier of earners. But the fact is that the brilliant guys that make the magic happen will never enter the executive ranks. So those who actually provide the genius behind most innovations are rarely rewarded on a significant scale when compared to executive compensation. That’s a large part of the reason Rand is so patently absurd. Unless he or she owns the company, the top mind behind any new invention or discovery will almost certainly receive little or no financial compensation. Ayn Rand’s followers and their belief that magical inventions ill enrich their inventors live in a fantasy world. A fantasy world population entirely by assholes.